
Who We Are

We are a team of outdoor and leadership enthusiasts who believe that transformation is real and that personal journeys can only occur when we immerse ourselves in genuine, authentic, and risk-based adventures, through our minds our souls and our world.  We are committed to helping others by guiding them through a highly organized program where anything can happen.

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How We Got Started

The BOLD program began at DUKE in 2010 with a group of graduate students that were tired of learning about leadership in classrooms. The cross-graduate group of students set out to design a program that relied more on experiences to learn about themselves, others and leadership. To this group one thing was clear, growing themselves and their leadership abilities required a challenge, a challenge that incorporated risk, and the possibility of failure. The group set a goal of climbing Pico De Orizaba, and set out on a 4 month journey to understand and grow their leadership, physical, mental abilities.  They could have never imagined where that journey would take them.